Giá : Liên hệ

Xuất xứ: Ý

Quy cách: 42952 Vacumed® 13×75 mm without preservative x 4 ml of urine yellow cap, sterile 43956 Vacumed® 13×100 mm without preservative x 6 ml of urine yellow cap, sterile 44950 Vacumed® 16×100 mm without preservative x 10 ml of urine, yellow cap, sterile 44970 Vacumed ® 16×100 mm with boric acid x 10 ml of urine, yellow cap, sterile 44960 Vacumed ® 16×100 mm without preservative x 10 ml of urine, yellow cap, sterile

LIÊN HỆ MUA HÀNG: 02866525193